I thought I suck...
But after seeing Sonic Retro's "Malevolent Boss" thread, I know I don't, it's just that TSC rocks far too much, lol!
The story: there's a custom boss hack named "Malevolent Boss" made by Malevolence. It's an edit of GHZ boss, and a fun one, too!
However, all the people there, including the creator say that it's probably impossible to defeat him without using invincibility or getting hit.
I've tried the hack, and, you know, from such a massive "it's hard!" topic I've expected something harder. About 10 tries later and I record a successful no-damage run on him. Uploading the YouTube video right now.
Sorry if you think this is all unneccessary. Maybe it is.
But what is neccessary has been already said in the subject: THANK YOU TSC.
EDIT: Vid is up! Check it out, this boss is pretty cool, as well as a no-hit run on him.